
Показано дописи з жовтень, 2017

Vocabulary Time!

There are some common mistakes which English lerners often make. Please, look at this picture and never repeat these mistakes again)

Vocabulary Time!

Let's spend some time on learning a few new words!


https://www.mindomo.com/ru/mindmap/b72bab92868445118003f5abc1346682 Here you can find my own mind map "Conditionals", there are all the rules connected with this topic starting from Elementary level and finishing with Advanced grammar rules. I hope that this scheme will be helpful for you, so, please enjoy it!))


http://www.engvid.com/ Here is an awesome Youtube channel where you can find a lot of grammar material with its explanation (and many other things). Don't forget to visit and subscribe!

The Easiest Topics: EXERCISES

https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/countables2.htm Exercises: Part 2

The Easiest Topics: EXERCISES

https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/countables.htm Here you can find some grammar exercises connected with NOUNS

The Easiest Topics: PRONOUNS

PRONOUNS Pronouns replace nouns. A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the 3rd person singular form. The 2nd person plural pronouns are identical to the 2nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun. Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Adjective (Determiner) Possessive Pronoun Reflexive or Intensive Pronoun 1st person singular I me my mine myself 2nd person singular you you your yours yourself 3rd person singular, male he him his his himself 3rd person singular, female she her her hers herself 3rd person singular, neutral it it its itself 1st person plural we us our ours ourselves 2nd person plural you you your yours yourselves 3rd person plural they them their theirs themselves SUBJECT PRONOUNS Subject pronouns replace nouns that are the subject of their clause. In the 3rd per...


COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS It's important to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns in English because their usage is different in regards to both determiners and verbs. COUNTABLE NOUNS Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the plural countable noun. Singular Plural one dog two dogs one horse two horses one man two men one idea two ideas one shop two shops EXAMPLES She has  three dogs . I own  a house . I would like  two books  please. How many friends  do you have? UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They may be the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too amorphous to be counted (liquids, p...

The Easiest Topics: TYPES OF NOUNS

Types of Nouns A noun is a word that functions as the name of something. Nouns are the most common class of word in English. Below we have a list of the different types of nouns in English with an explanation of what each one is and with examples of each type of noun. Common Nouns Common nouns are used to name a GENERAL type of person, place or thing. Common nouns can be divided into smaller classes such as countable and uncountable nouns, concrete and abstract nouns and collective nouns. Examples of common nouns:  girl, city, animal, friend, house, food Proper Nouns Proper nouns are used to name a SPECIFIC person, place or thing. In English, proper nouns begin with a capital letter. Proper nouns do not normally have a determiner before them (e.g.  the  London,  the  Mary etc.) though there are some exceptions (e.g. Is she  the  Mary that we met at the conference?). Examples of proper nouns:  John, London, Pluto, Monday, Franc...

The Easiest Topics: PLURAL NOUNS

Plural Nouns In general the plural of a noun is formed by adding -S to the noun. Singular Plural car cars house houses book books bird birds pencil pencils However: 1.  When the noun ends in S, SH, CH, X or Z*, we add -ES to the noun. Singular Plural kiss kisses wish wishes match matches fox foxes quiz quizzes* I have a  box  in my bedroom. I have three  boxes  in my bedroom. * With words that end in Z sometimes we add   an extra Z to the plural form of the word (such as with the plural of quiz). 2.  When the noun ends in a VOWEL + Y, we add -S to the noun. Singular Plural boy boys holiday holidays key keys guy guys 3.  When the noun ends in a CONSONANT + Y, we remove Y and add -IES to the noun. Singular Plural party parties lady ladies story stories nanny nannies city cities 4.  If the noun ends in F or FE, we remove the F/FE and add -VES to the noun. Singular Plural life lives lea...

About Myself

Hi everyone! How are you, guys? I'm Nadiia, Nadia, Nadezhda, Nadyenka, Nadine... My name has many variations and you can choose whichever you want (but please don't call me Nadiyka:)). In general, my name means "hope" and that's why I always hope and believe that everything will be okay despite any circumstances of life. I'm 17 years old and it means that I can still enjoy my childhood before becoming officially adult. I'm a first-year student of the Faculty of the Foreign Languages ofYuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University or a freshman as our professors and senior students like to call me. I live in Chernivtsi which is the best place in the whole world for me. It's known for its architecture, for its bohemian atmosphere and for its friendly and tolerant people. So, if you want to see something really awesome, you must undoubtedly visit my hometown. My all-consuming passion is reading. I do believe that as Charles W. Eliot said, "Books ...